I will remember 2017 as a year where the fruits of the labor of many remarkable people, businesses and the hope that we are able to provide one more child.
When Hurricane Irma ripped through our state with devastating force, we covered children and Single Moms by providing essential needs through Child Hunger ministries.
The morning after the worst part of the storm had passed, a young girl walked up to me, with a face laden with powdered sugar and said, “Life is good! We have donuts!”
Just a few days later, I looked out across the campus of our international headquarters, trees strewn across the land not only did I know everything would be OK, I rejoiced!
Earlier this year, on a visit to Genesis Primary School in Ugand I rejoice!
I also rejoice when I think about my wife, Christi, and lovingly baking her delicious cookies with children!
I also remember not long ago praying with staff at our campus in Jacksonville, “Lord, help us to help the students at the school across the street.” We began providing children food in backpacks to take home on the weekends, working to establish relationships with staff at the school and families in the community. It started with us pouring into the lives of a few dozen children the best we could with the resources we had.
God honored that humble prayer by showcasing just how desperately He wanted to use us to bless more children and families this year, including approximately 110,000 through our backpack program. For that, I rejoice!”]
Rejoicing is an active declaration of God’s goodness, no matter how difficult the journey.
I think of the tough, sometimes agonizing expedition the Israelites went on before being delivered to the Promised Land of favor.
This Christmas season, we rejoice because out of the darkness and families.
Whenever you selflessly ask the question “What can I do?” to help one more child, rejoice that God uses your “yes” to do more good than you could ever plan. Because of your commitment and because of God’s goodness, I rejoice.