The theme for our 2016 event is “Rewritten: His story, Your life,” based on the scripture from Psalm 139:16, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” What a huge truth with lots of layers, but underneath is God’s sovereignty in all things and families in great need.
This theme will come to life for us throughout our day together in February with incredible inspiration from guest speaker, Allison Allen.
Allison has a message you will want to hear. On her website, Allison says, “Everybody’s got one – a story that is.” She goes on to say that “ours is a divine story, an epic tale penned by God Himself.” Allison asks questions that are worthy of our consideration, “As believers, exactly how do we manage to tell a better story with our lives? How do we interact with the characters we encounter? How do we adjust when we’re blindsided by a plot-twist we didn’t see coming? How do we reflect the Author in the nitty-gritty of everyday life? And, finally, how do we encourage others to see the divine fingerprints evident in their own stories?” Allison’s background in drama, theater and has two sons. She is passionate about taking the journey with God’s women in telling a better story.
In addition to Allison, our day will include special music, ministry updates, personal testimonies, a delicious lunch, laughter and The Porch Light.
We hope you will save the date and register today!