Little Samantha* just couldn’t seem to get healthy.
It was pink eye, it was nausea, it was bronchitis – and for her foster parents it was exhaustion.
In the middle of a difficult month where sleep was at a premium and the schedule was anything but consistent, Samantha’s foster mom stopped by a Florida Baptist Children’s Homes campus to pick up some necessities for her precious baby.
Thanks to our dedicated staff and essentials to care for Samantha, but also with a full heart.
Sensing this mother could use an extra lift, an FBCH staff member blessed her with a care package that was put together by the First Baptist Church Jacksonville Women’s Ministry.
The gift even included a cheerful note and a fashionable bag for the mom to enjoy.
“I was touched deeply by their card, their prayers, and in the gap for them,” the mother said in an email.
Another staff member stopped and helped her pick out some new clothes for the baby from the donation area.
The mother noted that the encouragement and support was just the “hug” she needed on a difficult day.
Little Samantha and outreach.
This time of year every gift produces a smile, whether it is through a gift under a Christmas tree or by providing a new pair of jeans for a foster child who is growing up quickly.
Just as the First Baptist Church Jacksonville Women’s Ministry blessed Samantha’s mom, we encourage your church or ministry group to call your local campus and families today.
Samantha’s mother put it best at the end of her email: “The Lord used all of it greatly to lift my weary spirit. Thank you!”
* Name has been changed for confidentiality reasons.