Written by: Sundy Goodnight
Diapers are on every baby’s needs list — and this year, in the aftermath of one of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit the Atlantic, more babies than ever before need our help.
The Lewises*, a foster family of eight, with four children in diapers, evacuated their home as Hurricane Irma threatened to ravage the state of Florida. When the family returned home, they were met with property damage, spoiled food and added expenses from their eight-day evacuation.
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way
obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
The 7th annual diaper drive launched earlier this month. We need to collect 600,000 diapers to lighten the burden, and through our international ministry, One More Child.
As we reach toward our goal to help more children, we need churches, businesses, Sunday school classes and Orphan Sunday, November 12 — collecting diapers of all sizes.
Generous churches and homes devastated after Hurricane Irma, we need diapers like never before.
Would you help us reach our goal this year? For more information, a chance to win a mission trip with One More Child, or to sign up to host a diaper shower today, please visit FBCHomes.org/Diaper.
Huggies and Luvs,
Sundy Goodnight
Orphan Sunday/Diaper Drive Coordinator
*Name and certain details have been changed for confidentiality reasons.[line]
October 10 – 12:00-1:30 pm
Joe K. Blanton Campus – Piper Children’s Center
1015 Sikes Blvd., Lakeland, FL 33815
Please RSVP by October 5 to Pam Fuller or 863.687.8811
October 12 – 12:00-1:30 pm
Fort Myers Campus
4551 Camino Real Way, Fort Myers, FL 33966
Please RSVP by October 6 to Emily Petrilli or 863.577.4467