This year, the beginning of school has new meaning for Lilly,* a 15-year-old resident at Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. As the oldest of her sisters, she came to the Homes a year ago – scared about the future and when Lilly says her life began to change.
“I am so happy I got to stay with my sisters. I feel so safe here,” Lilly often tells her house parents.
While she found safety and be among her peers once again.
Lilly spent her days at school and her evenings tackling homework. It wasn’t until the very last day of school that she learned she passed an exam that would allow her to enter the ninth grade this year. It was a moment worth celebrating!
With a big smile, Lilly said, “I’m in high school!”
Now, Lilly talks about wanting to work in the medical field one day. But first, she says she is excited about her first day of high school.
The staff at the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes is excited about Lilly’s future, and we are thankful for those who have surrounded our ministry with support to prove that Love Changes Lives.
*Name has been changed for confidentiality reasons.