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Improve Your Influence – add God's Word to your words

By February 7, 2012No Comments

By Kirsty Gilpin

March 20, 2009


The busyness of our lives is such thatwe often don’t think we have time to influence others for Christ. I can relate as days with my two small children often pass in a blur of cleaning, errand squeezing in a minute at the computer to pay the bills.

Although we should be evaluating our schedules and activities, we can improve our influence for Christ on others without changing our daily routine. We can do so by simply making a purposeful effort to make God’s Word a regular part of our speech.

In my case the people I have the greatest influence over are my two young children.

God has encouraged me particularly through Isaiah 55:11: so it is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Without a doubt there is great power in God’s Word. With that power is the ability to change hearts and minds for Christ.

Here are a couple of examples of how I try to make God’s Word a part of my daily
• Numbers 6:24: The LORD bless you and the cashier at the supermarket.
• Ephesians 4:32: Be kind and compassionate to one another . . . with two small children at home this is a verse that I lean on quite a bit.

Ask God to lead you to verses that can become a regular part of your speech. As you share God’s Word with others it will bless their lives, and it will bless yours as well!


Kirsty Gilpin lives in Lakeland home-schools their two young children.