In a world of volatile markets and help future generations DREAM BIG.
Recently, the American Council on Gift Annuities (ACGA) voted to increase the suggested maximum gift annuity rates effective July 1, 2018, the first change in rates since January of 2012.
We celebrate this news for our donors and families in need while also providing a higher rate of return for you, the donor. If you choose to give this way, we will pay you a guaranteed fixed income for life—in return for your charitable gift to us—through a charitable gift annuity. If you are married, your spouse can also be guaranteed the same fixed income for his or her life.
The rate of return you receive depends upon your age (and, if applicable, the age of your spouse) at the time of your gift. The older you are, the higher the rate of return. You can be assured of receiving the same annual income from us—on a quarterly or other periodic basis—no matter what happens to the stock market or interest rates. And, a portion of each income payment from us will be tax-free!
When you create a charitable gift annuity, you also receive a significant income tax charitable contribution deduction. There are also capital gains advantages if you fund the annuity with appreciated stock.
We wait in excitement for the new rate schedule to be released. In the meantime, if you would like more information about getting involved or have questions, please contact us at either 863.687.8811 or by email.
Thank you for making a special gift that will help children dream big for generations to come!