
Food: An Antidote to Emptiness

By August 6, 2017No Comments

Here is the problem: 1 in 4 children struggle with hunger in the state of Florida according to Feeding America.

Hunger leads to misery, vulnerability and a lack of energy. That’s no way for a child to live.

Consider Jenny*, a single mom, who recently moved to Lakeland healthy?

Jenny found work at a local auto parts store but she continued searching for other jobs and food.

Food is a life-changer. It is essential for proper nutrition and open a door of hope. Jesus purposefully met a physical need so that He could meet a spiritual one.

We’re not Jesus, but we’re doing our best to be His hand families in the state of Florida. This equates to approximately 11,000 MEALS PER DAY.

We believe God has even greater plans for children in the state of Florida and around the world need our collective help.

That’s why are hosting a Journey to ONE MILLION MEALS  on Facebook with a goal of feeding hungry children.

We want to help children and families flourish by providing them with life-changing resources like food because in the end, we believe it’s a pathway to introduce them to the Life Changer, Jesus Christ.

Help fight the hunger struggle and provide meals for hungry children today.

*Name changed for confidentiality purposes.