We are on a Journey to ONE MILLION MEALS on Facebook from October 27-31 with a goal of feeding hungry children in Florida and around the world.
It is an opportunity for you or your business or your church to change the world that has so many lasting effects on all generations. It puts a solution “on the table” so to speak, so we can build lasting relationships and point people toward Jesus.
You can provide meals for One More Child because here are four reasons a child should never go hungry.
1. It Creates Trust Issues
When Jesus encountered large crowds, who needed challenged and bread. If we can’t meet a child’s most basic need when we recognize it, why will they trust us with matters of eternal significance?
It’s the basis of why we host summer feeding programs at campuses around the state. When we feed children, they trust us to know what’s best and parents take notice that there’s something different about people who are passionate about “loving their neighbor.” That’s where meaningful ministry can begin.
2. A Hungry Child Is an Angry Child
The word “hangry” has made its way into America’s pop culture lexicon, but it’s probably only humorous to people who can solve their food mood with the swipe of a debit card or ordering takeout from their favorite Chinese hole-in-the-wall.
According to Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger relief organization, children who are food insecure may have an increased risk of behavioral problems that include: fighting, hyperactivities, aggression, anxiety, mood swings and bullying.
Through Christ-centered services like our Foster Family Homes ministry, not only do we help reunite large sibling groups who have been in separate placements, but we place them with loving, reliable foster parents who make family meals a daily priority. There is a reason the best family reunions have the best food!
3. ABC, as Easy as 1-2-3
Feeding America also indicates that children who don’t eat enough are more likely to repeat a grade in elementary school and watch their motor run more effectively all day long.
4. Because They Don’t Have To
Remember when you asked your mom or dad why you couldn’t do something that seemed to you, in your adolescent stage, like a good idea? A common refrain was probably something along the lines of, “Because I said so.”
Well, at Florida Baptist Children’s Homes, The Porch Light and resources to feed One More Child.
Last year the generous gifts of many made it possible to open the Harold Clark Simmons Compassion Center at our international headquarters. On the outside, it may appear to be just another warehouse – but the inside, lined with shelves of fresh produce, a stocked freezer and more, say otherwise.
Last year our organization provided more than 3 million meals to children and through early July 2017, we have already provided life-changing meals 1,899,077 through the Compassion Center alone!