
Passionate About Pregnancy

By January 16, 2017No Comments

By MaryLou Hendry
Director of Sanctity of Human Life 

I vividly remember the first ultrasound I experienced. My son anddaughter “Jesus loves you!”

The growing baby stuck out her tongue, which I believe was her declaring praise for her Creator, which is in tune with the awe of the Psalmist in verse 16 of Psalms 139: “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (NIV)

On that day I experienced joy unspeakable as my eyes saw my granddaughter’s still forming body.

But not everyone has that experience.

For people experiencing unplanned pregnancies, sometimes there is fear, regret or anxiety and or steady voice there may be no ultrasound experience at all.

That’s why, as we approach National Sanctity of Human Life Day on Jan. 22, I want to encourage the Church to make God’s will for human life known and the souls of many!

At Florida Baptist Children’s Homes we have developed the Florida Association of Life Centers/Clinics (FALC), a network of life centers that include pregnancy care centers/clinics (PCCs) and other life-affirming ministries throughout the state.

In 2015 there were 71,740 documented abortions in Florida, a number that requires we act quickly and passionately to change.

It is through you, through the church and families facing critical, life or death decisions.

You can make His love known by connecting with a local PCC and volunteering or by providing financial assistance to our Sanctity of Human Life program; or, if God puts it on your heart, you can encourage your church to start its own pregnancy care center.

We are here to provide support, resources and advice. All you need to do is ask. You can get ahold of me via email at or by calling me at 863-687-8811.

Together we want to shout from the mountaintop and from the valley that no matter how difficult a situation may seem, God wants to see all children formed in a mother’s womb thrive as glorious reflections of Himself.

I believe that my daughter-in-law’s ultrasound was the beginning of God calling me into the pregnancy care ministry 19 years ago.

Today, after nearly nine years as the director of Sanctity of Human Life at Florida Baptist Children’s Homes I know that we have all been called “for a time such as this” as the Bible says to transform the world by loving mothers, fathers, and unborn children.