Professional Golfer Steps Up to Make a Difference
LAKELAND, Fla. – There are millions of children around the world that don’t have a family to call their own. Unfortunately, the financial costs often stand in the way for many families who have a desire to adopt a child.
Professional golfer Brad Bryant and enable more families to adopt a child. They came up with the idea of partnering with the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes to establish the Uniting Hearts Fund.
The Fund will focus on supporting activities designed to promote more adoptive homes for orphaned children. Some of these activities will include helping qualified families in need with some of the costs associated with adopting a child.
The Bryants are starting the fund by donating 10 percent of his golf winnings on this year’s Champions Tour.
The Bryants and the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes unveiled the new program at a press conference on Wednesday, April 11 at the Encompass Insurance Pro-Am golf tournament at the TPC of Tampa Bay.
Bryant (57) was born in Amarillo, Texas and joined the Champions Tour in 2005 where he won the U.S. Senior Open in 2007. Bryant’s younger brother Bart also played on the PGA Tour.
Bryant continues to be a successful golfer on the Champions Tour and a strong supporter of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes.
“We have two boys Jamieson and was adopted. So, this is something that has been close to our heart for a long time,” Brad Bryant said.
“You often hear how expensive it can be to adopt a child. This is one obstacle that we want to try to remove for those families that may not have the financial means, but have that strong yearning to adopt a child. We just think that every child deserves a forever family.”
Dr. Jerry Haag, president of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes who joined the Bryants at the press conference said that they were thrilled when Brad and Sue came to them with the idea for the Fund.
“All of us at the Children’s Homes have been touched by the Bryants’ generous spirit and their desire to make a difference in the lives of precious children who need a family.”
“They have been strong supporters of our ministry for several years, and I have always known that they have a heart for orphaned children in need of a forever family,” Haag said.
Haag also called on others to join the Bryants in helping to unite more children to a forever family by supporting the Uniting Hearts Fund. Contributions can be made online at
“We will all be cheering Brad on to victory in many golf tournaments this year. Together, we can bring more forever families to orphaned children in Florida and throughout the world.” Haag said.
The Uniting Hearts Fund was unveiled at a press conference at the Encompass Insurance Pro-Am golf tournament at the TPC of Tampa Bay. Pictured from left are Sue Bryant, Brad Bryant (professional golfer on the Champions Tour), and Dr. Jerry Haag, president of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes.

The Uniting Hearts Fund was unveiled at a press conference at the Encompass Insurance Pro-Am golf tournament at the TPC of Tampa Bay. Pictured from left are Sue Bryant, Brad Bryant (professional golfer on the Champions Tour), and Dr. Jerry Haag, president of the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes.

Professional golfer Brad Bryant talks to the Golf Channel about the new Uniting Hearts Fund that he and his wife Sue are starting with 10 percent of his winnings on this year’s Champions Tour.