
Your Scars Have Value

By April 21, 2017No Comments

Do you have a scar? Scars are proof that trauma once inflicted a wound on you.

Maybe a bone was broken at the playground, you injured yourself playing sports, or, maybe the scar runs deeper, and you were a victim of abuse. Big or little, scars ultimately tell a story. We think of scars being physical, but we also wear emotional scars that seemingly have an amplifier attached to them.

For example, consider 11-year old Jason*, who was locked in closets and fight to prevent child abuse.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and/or neglect.

We count on people like you to show how help is available to hurting and. Eventually, Frank was adopted by his foster parents, giving him a forever family.

Every child has purpose and care.

Each of us carry different physical and for One More Child.

*Names have been changed for confidentiality reasons.