
Wrap Around Love

By October 6, 2016No Comments

Faced with an unplanned pregnancy and an uncertain future, Cameron’s mother made the courageous decision to choose life for her son.

Cameron’s adoptive family saw the strength it takes to make that decision when they met the mother at the hospital.

They also experienced first hand the importance of continued support as they welcomed him into their home.

Today, through the ministry of Florida Baptist Children’s Homes, a healthy and adoptive families.

“Cameron has brought a renewed sense of life to our family,” the foster dad said.

You can make it possible for more children like Cameron to have their needs met by participating in Orphan Sunday 2016.

Sign up to host a diaper drive to help us collect 500,000 diapers or sponsor a precious child in another country, allowing them to get the spiritual, physical and educational nourishment needed for them to thrive!